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8:00 am Holy Communion (2nd and 4th Sundays)
A quiet, prayerful service from the 1662 Prayer Book with brief sermon.

10:00am Parish Communion service 
The contemporary Church of England Communion service with organ and choir, and sermon based on the Bible readings, followed by refreshments.

4:00pm Messy Church (2nd Sunday)
Interactive and fun activities for young children and families based around a Bible story, with refreshments.
4:00pm River (4th Sunday)
An informal and interactive gathering suitable for all ages, with music group and Bible teaching, with refreshments.

4:00pm Simply Worship - Service of the Word  (1st, 3rd, 5th Sunday)
A quiet early evening service with biblical reflection.

Weekdays - Wednesday
Holy Communion at 10am from the 1662 Prayer Book, with brief sermon.
Morning Prayer at 8.50am and Evening Prayer at 4.15pm.
A 20 minute service of daily Bible reading and prayer.

There are additional regular services and other occasional services. See our
seasonal leaflets, porch noticeboard and website for details.

Halton Church is a leisurely walk or short drive north from Corbridge.
A Holy Communion service with hymns is held at
9:00am on the first Sunday of the month, Christmas Day and Easter Day.




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