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Church Electoral Roll

Once in every six years the preparation of new church electoral rolls takes place, which means that everyone who is currently on the roll has to re-apply. The next occasion for the preparation of the new roll is 2025. 
This means that everyone on the existing roll will need to re-apply in order to be included: names are not automatically carried over onto the new roll.


What is the Church Electoral Roll

This is a list containing the names and addresses of everyone who can vote at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting.


Who can be on the Electoral Roll?

To be on the electoral roll a person needs to have been baptised, be at least 16 years old and either:  

  • Live in the parish,

  • Live out of the parish but have worshipped regularly at St. Andrew’s for at least six months and committed to being part of the life of the church.

Membership of the electoral roll is also open to members in good standing of a church not in communion with the Church  of England which subscribes to the doctrine  of the Holy Trinity where those members are also prepared to declare themselves to  be members of the Church of England.



Electoral Roll forms are also available in church. Please take one, complete and return in a sealed envelope, addressed to Mrs Maureen Davison, either on a Sunday or via the cottage silver letter box. Please do not leave forms in church during the week.  


Parish News and Information Mailing list

Please do not confuse the Electoral Roll with our mailing list. Our mailing list is a completely different list to the above. Enrolling on the Electoral Roll does not automatically put you on the mailing list.


If you are not already on the mailing list and wish to be on it please complete a Mailing list consent form.

All data will be kept in accordance with the Privacy notices for the parish.


Church Electoral Roll - Privacy notice [click here]


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